If you are a manufacturer of furniture, chairs, tables
You are looking for armchairs, chairs, tables in classical or contemporary style and you need to buy them in disassembled raw elements in order to assemble and finish them in your factory and thus have a product of Italian quality but made in your country. Furthermore, by buying disassembled items you considerably save on shipment costs and also on customs clearance costs at destination.
According to your needs, targets of quality, price, model, we find several manufacturers, negotiate prices, quantities, trial orders, shipment of samples, payment conditions.
You choose a range of chairs, armchairs and tables from 3 different manufacturers and decide to purchase through one single supplier i.e. S.C.I.C. In this way you will have one single invoice and one single customs export operation will be carried out.
We draw up the bilingual sales contract compravendita bilingue (Italian and/or English and/or language of foreign Client) so that everything is clear.
Based on agreed upon sale/purchase conditions we place the orders with the manufacturers, establish delivery terms, coordinate with you logistics, organize loadings at each single factory or at one single warehouse where we consolidate the orders.
We issue one single invoice for all 3 manufactureres. The invoice is issued according to your needs, in Italian/English and translation in your language, complete with all details : product code, customs code, product description, short packing-list in invoice body and detailed packing-list as attachment to invoice.
Once the goods have been loaded, with our customs agent we carry out export customs operations, issue customs bill/document, CMR, seal truck/container.
Together with you and manufacturer we solve any problem that may arise during order handling and also after loading, in the case if customs authorities of importing country should require an integration to documents, further details etc.