If you are an importer of food products or a distribution network
You already have your suppliers in Italy, or maybe you need to find new ones. However, it is not easy to manage purchases and shipments from Italy : not infrequently you have problems of understanding or procedure with your supplier, you have to deal with many documents from a lot of different suppliers, not to mention logistical complexities.
We become your sole partner in Italy and we speak directly with your suppliers in order to rationalize and simplify supplies. We coordinate purchases from factories with which you already work and based on your needs we find new manufacturers for a wide range of products for large-scale distribution, both fresh and frozen or canned.
We stipulate with you a detailed bilingual contract, that often is required by your bank in order to carry out payments and by customs authorities for import operations.
You send us the order and we proceed to commercial stage: we purchase the products from various producers, coordinate with you logistics, loadings directly at factories or at one single warehouse where we have goods delivered. Of course the warehouse is equipped with refrigerated premises for goods that require controlled temperature.
You receive one single detailed invoice, with customs code and weight of each product and attached to it a detaild packing-list. Together with invoice you will receive all certificates that are required for food products: veterinary certificate (where necessary), quality certificate, analysis certificates all accurately provided in one original plus all necessary copies, as required by customs and health authorities of your Country.
We are available at any moment in order to solve any problem, also involving individual manufacturers.