If you are a manufacturing company and are looking for machinery and equipment
Let’s suppose that you are looking for either new or used and refurbished woodworking equipment.
In this case as well we have a good experience.
In the past we supplied woodworking equipment, marble and travertine working machinery, fruit or vegetable processing and packaging equipment, grape processing and wine manufacturing lines etc.
In this case we propose some options and invite the Client to visit together with us the factories that produce the equipment. The business negotiation is followed by us always side by side with Client and producer, who directly discuss technical and construction characteristics of equipment.
Of course, the project will include the start-up of equipment on site with one or more technicians sent by the manufacturer, testing and after-sales technical assistance.
In this case contract and supply are stipulated directly between manufacturer and Client, while SCIC participates in all operative stages, including drafting of detailed bilingual contract.